Monday, May 09, 2016

Yamanee Project in Midtown

Yamanee mixed-use condominium proposal 25th & J St 

This proposed mixed-use multi-story condominium building will soon receive the Planning & Design Commissions approval at its May 12th meeting, but its decision is appealable to City Council. The Yamanee project is a multi-story, mixed-use condominium building that proposes 14,494 square feet of ground-floor and mezzanine commercial uses and 134 for-sale residential units rising up 179ft. The project is located at the southeast corner of 25th and J Streets in the General Commercial zone and located in the Midtown Commercial overlay zone.

Despite a long list of comments opposing the Yamanee, the commission saw “significant community benefit” that include, Quality in Design, Home Ownership Opportunities, Infill, Sustainability, Decreased Dependency on Cars, Increases Pedestrian Connectivity, and Open Space/Gathering Spaces. Because of these values, the Yamanee is consistent with many General Plan goals and policies that make it an asset.
Yamanee mixed-use condominium proposal 25th & J St 

One of the key issues some thought made this proposal out of scale with the surrounding area was its massing and height. But like many other complaints made to the commission, this was dismissed by pointing out that a “9-story building immediately across J Street also helps in transitioning the height of the building to the neighborhood located north of the site”.

Looks like this might get a green light to build, but will it get started before the market takes a dive? How many times have we seen this scenario leaving great projects like this on the drawing board? 

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