Friday, August 05, 2016

Updated Railyard Plans

Proposed Kaiser Hospital Tower in the Railyards

Next week the Planning and Design Commission will look at Railyards proposed plan related to Major League Soccer and Kaiser Permanente hospital tower. A couple items that stood out to me in the revised plans were the new hospital building would comprised approximately 658,000 sf with the main hospital tower rising up to 14 stories in the center of the block, to a maximum height of approximately 230 feet with a helistop on the roof. A parking garage would be built on the western edge of the project with approximately 1,500 parking spaces.


The proposed Major League Soccer Stadium would be constructed initially with seating for 19,621 attendees and the capacity to accommodate concerts with an attendance up to 21,500 people. As shown below, surface parking would be used in the interim before parking structures are constructed of approximately 4,000 spaces.

To review the report click here.

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