Thursday, January 04, 2018

O Street Project

State office project  at corner of 12th & O Streets in Sacramento

The Department of General Services is planning to issue a Notice to Proceed for this new midrise at the corner of 12th & O Street. This project includes demolition of the existing vacant California Department of Food and Agriculture building and construction of the new building at 12th & O Street.

The new building will be approximately 360, 000 total square feet, 11 stories at a cost of $274 million. The building will include first floor retail and a food court-style cafeteria with approximately 1,150 employees. Demolition is expected to be finished by summer of 2018 and the new building is expected to be completed in early 2021.

 Down the street at 7th & O Street the State is also planning to construct another office building, construction is not expected to begin till early 2019. So far, these are the only large scale office projects expected to break ground in the near future downtown. 

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