Thursday, March 22, 2018

CADA Site 21

CADA – Site 21, 93 units, height 115 ft  (New Mixed-Use Building)
1522 14th Street, Sacramento, CA

CADA Site 21 proposal goes to the Planning & Design Commission today. This is a fine project and one Sacramento can support. 10 years ago Sacramento could only support residential as high as 5 floors and now were up to 9. Anyone who expects the city to leap into the high rise living better take a step back. We should be lucky this is going up, an apartment building over 50 years old will be demolished and the local preservationist could not find a way to make it an historic structure.
CADA – Site 21, 93 units, height 115 ft (New Mixed-Use Building) 
1522 14th Street, Sacramento, CA

1 comment:

  1. “Anyone who expects the city to leap into the high rise living better take a step back”

    Baby steps first...
