Thursday, June 28, 2018

New Courthouse Gets Funds to Build

With the passage of the 2018-19 California State Budget yesterday, Sacramento will get a new 18-story glass-walled courthouse on the edge of the railyard site. After 9 years of delays and reducing both its size budget, the $490 million, 53 courtroom project is scheduled to begin construction in the summer of 2019 and competed in 2022.

New Sacramento County Courthouse on H Street between 5th & 6th Streets

Originally, the courthouse was to be funded by the 2008 bond SB1407, a $5 billion fund to rebuild courthouses around the state. The bond fell short by $1.4 billion by a combination of declining revenue from court fines and fees. In addition, Governor Brown diverted funds in 2012 from the courthouse bond to backfill the state’s budget and those funds have never been returned.

Project Description:
538,000 sf
270 feet tall
Lot 41 in the Railyards
53 courtrooms
71 basement parking spaces

New Sacramento County Courthouse on H Street between 5th & 6th Streets


  1. Correct me if I’m wrong but that does not look to be 270 feet. The federal courthouse is listed at 350 feet , and by the look of the second image, the new courthouse seems to be roughly the same height. It’s at the very least over 300 feet.

  2. Please click on Addendum Part section 3-1, there you will find it's listed at 270 feet tall. It could be listed as a typo or the Federal Courthouse might not be as tall as we have been lead to believe.
