Thursday, July 26, 2018

Prep Work Begins For P Street High-Rise

Activity was see on the corner of 8th and O Street with backhoes digging on 8th Street and what appears to be four different window samples. This might really get going by Fall of this year. DGS Project Description 

Prep work at the corner of O & 8th Street for the P Street building

Prep work at the corner of O & 8th Street for the P Street building

Possible window sample on display at corner of O & 8th Street for P Street Bldg.

Possible window sample on display at corner of O & 8th Street for P Street Bldg.

The 140 year old Heilbron House at the corner of O & 7th Street will
 be restored and not moved from it's current location

The 140 year old Heilbron House at the corner of O & 7th Street will
 be restored and not moved from it's current location

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