That is our K Street Mall back in the 40's.
Now I know some of you must be "Bullshit" There way too much life on that street to be Sacramento's K Street. That has to be a K Street somewhere else. There are actually cars on that street!!
It is!!! Look, you can even see the Kress Building in the background!
Unfortunately, many of us are not old enough to remember the K Street Mall of years past. and only have images urine stenched streets, homeless people, drug use, burned down buildings, boarded up retail shops and general scariness
The K Street of the older days was filled with lots hotels, theaters, department stores. A big difference from todays selection of retailers. (even if it has got a million times better over the years).
It was the entertainment center for the region. When you wanted a night out on the town, K Street is where you went.
For decades, and decades the city has been trying to jump start the most tired, beat up stretch of our central city and turn it in the lively city we see above (Minus the hats)
Thankfully, such landmarks as The Crest Theater, Kress Building, Sacramento Public Market (by famous architect Julia Morgan) and The Cahderdral of the Blessed Sacrament were able to survive the down turn of K Street.
After year and years of fails starts and proposals coming and going ranging from TV Studios to a Century CinaArts. Sacramento may have finally broke though.
In Oct 2004, Mayor Fargo held a "Plan A Ballosza" , where hundereds of Sacramentains came out to tell city leaders what they want to see happen to our downtown. RFPs were sent out to all the property owners basically saying, time to put up or get Eminent Domain dropped on you. (it's about time)
After many meeting and discussion around property ownership, the historical significance of the buildings on K Street Mall, 3 groups of developers are coming out of that process that are attempting to step up and offer plans to develop the 700 block, 800 block and the city owned 10th and K block of K Street Mall.
There is so much info on these projects, I'm going to keep them as short as possible. I'm sure I will leave some details out.
10th and K
Developement Team:
David Taylor, CIM Group, St Anton, and the Cordano Company (K Street Cental)

In addtion to the city owned site at 10th and K, the team is proposing to develop all 4 corners of that intersection. The other 3 sites are owned by the team, so ED will not be needed.
What is being proposed for the other 3 sites:
- 230 Housing Units
- 105-Room Boutique Hotel
- Retail and Restaurant Space
For the city site, there are three option they have presented:
1) 114 Market rate Housing, Lucky Strike Bowling, Jazz Nightclub, Broadcast Studios for UPN and KFBK (can you imainge watching Nappear calling someone a "moron" through a glass window? haha)
2) Movie Theatre Option, only if the Westfield one does not happen. This would be appox 150K in retail and entertainement space.
3) Live Theatre/Performing Arts
The team will be pursuing a Live Theatre/Performing Arts option. Talks were that originally the B Street Theater would move into the space, but their commitment to the Sutter Midtown Project killed that idea. The city has hired consultants to see what would be possible for the site and what users would be interested.
For as much I think a new performance art stage would be great, and I think a new movie theatre is needed downtown...I would like to see the Sacramento Symphony, Philharmonic, Ballett, ect, get permanent space.
If we finally get the Community Theatre (To be renamed "Sacramento Performing Arts Center)" renovated, that will take care of performance art for a little while
800 Block and 700 Block
After submitted competing proposals, John Saca and his team have signed a "peace treaty" with the owner of Z Gallery, Joe Zeiden for each to develop seperate projects.
For the 700 Block, Zieden Properites will rehad all the building on that block and bring in approx 50K in new retail. Names such are Borders Books, Urban Outfitters and Sur la Table.
For the 800 Block, Saca and company was proposing a high-rise condo project with about 500 units and some 30K in retail space.
The initial estimate cost to the city in terms of a subisdy/loan is "budgeted" to be around 20M.
To FINALLy get K Street cleaned up, to me, that is NOTHING. Pennies compared to how long that stretch of street has been sitting in dispare and has plagued downtown.
There are still a lot of details to work out since there is still some property that will need to be bought or ED from property owners on K Street
More on these very important project coming soon...