Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Maydestone Revival

Central City Opinion reports that the old Maydestone Apartments at 15th and J are getting a rehad. Awesome!!!

(Picture taken from

I have always thought this was a very cool looking building with a lot of character and really hoped someone would renovate it back to livable conditions.

From, Sacdelicious reports that the building is in escrow, and the partners are turning the building into 32 residential units. They expect the project to be done in about 6 1/2 months. Given the age and schematics, there will be no ground floor retail, which I figured would be the case just by looking at the building.

I'm just glad the project is housing and not a little office project. 32 units equals another ~50 people living and spending money in downtown....slowly but surely... slowly but surely.

Considering it's so close to a lot of the downtown nightlife and office buildings, I think they will have no problem leasing, as long as the rents are reasonable.

Thanks again to Central City Opinion and Sacdelicious!!!


  1. I am so happy. I love that building. Its about time!

  2. But where are the people going to park? ;)

    No really, that place will look great once it gets a new paint job.

  3. Thanks for the props LIUS !

    If only the office building in btwn Maydestone and The Elliot had ground floor - anything ...

    oh well coulda shoulda woulda LOL

  4. No kidding. I guess Loftwork owns that small lot between the Maydestone and the two story building you are talking about

    This was done by FFA, but I haven't heard if they are going to do it or not. Talk about a great use of space. This would have been or could be awesome

  5. I have seen people working in the building recently, but they seem to be going very slow.

  6. maydestone! how i love thee! hurray for renovation!
    (and hurray for my photo on your blog :D)

  7. Any take on the Tower Theatre area now that Tower Record, Books and Videos are no more?

  8. That topic is actually one of three that I have lined up to hit on. Unfortunately, life has been crazy lately so I haven't been able to finish other than notes. I'm hoping to have them done on Monday or Tuesday.

  9. Follow up article from Bob Shallit

    Bob Shallit: A new lease on life

    The historic Maydestone Apartments building -- a downtown eyesore since a fire cleared out tenants three years ago -- is getting a much-needed face-lift.

    Owner John Marlow is repairing fire damage at the vacant, boarded-up building. Then he plans to sell it to two local investors who want to restore the 99-year-old building to its former glory.

    "We're hoping to close (the purchase) in the not-too-distant future," says Mike Fahn, a concert producer and real estate developer. He's partnering with Sacramentan Joe DeUlloa to buy the four-story brownstone on the southeast corner of 15th and J streets, across from Memorial Auditorium.

    The sale is contingent on the completion of rehab work now under way by Marlow, Fahn says.

    Three years ago, Fahn was set to pay $1.7 million for the 34-unit apartment building. Then the fire occurred.

    The sales price is higher now, but Fahn says he's counting on some city support to restore the building and make it an apartment building again with "moderate" rents.

    "We're working to make it something the community will be proud of," he says.

  10. My great aunt, Esther Ross, lived there while working at the State Library (in the capitol building at that time) in the early 1900s -- probably about 1917-18. Before she died I went to the building and walked the route she would have taken to work, taking ictures along the way. I'm hoping I will be able to see the inside of the building when it is restored.
