Saturday, January 13, 2007

700 Block K Street Holdup

More bad news...

K Street land swap hits snag
Finance disputes stall plan for retail projects on mall.
By Mary Lynne Vellinga - Bee Staff Writer

Last-minute financial issues raised by property owner Moe Mohanna are delaying a land swap required for a major retail project to move forward in the 700 block of the struggling K Street Mall.

Furniture retailer Joe Zeiden, owner of the Z Gallerie chain, had expected to have all of the properties in the 700 block under his control by the end of 2006, said Wendy Hoyt, his local consultant.

But Zeiden is still waiting for Mohanna, who owns many properties on K Street and the surrounding blocks, to sign documents putting his 700 block parcels into escrow.

"We signed everything we need to sign some time ago," Hoyt said.
"We have several tenants lined up to open by the end of '07, and everything is hinging on this land assembly swap happening within the time frame it was committed to," she said.
"We should be in our buildings by now and doing tenant improvements, but instead we're waiting for land assembly agreements to be finished."

If the deal falls apart, it would be a major blow to the city of Sacramento, which is already scrambling to get the stalled Towers condominium project at Third Street and Capitol Mall back on track.

In her State of the Downtown speech Thursday, Mayor Heather Fargo alluded to the problems dogging K Street and other developments planned for downtown when she said: "We will go over, under, around or through to make these projects happen."

Zeiden has promised to revamp the row of historic buildings just outside the entrance to Downtown Plaza in time for the 2007 holiday shopping season.

Retailers expressing interest in the project have included Urban Outfitters, Sur La Table and Anthropologie.

Eager to bring new life to K Street, the city has helped Zeiden by spending about $24 million to buy properties in the 700 and 800 blocks of K and L streets.

It plans to trade those in the 800 block to Mohanna in exchange for his properties in the 700 block.

Once the transfer is complete, Zeiden will control the 700 block, and Mohanna will have most of the 800 block.

Mohanna and his partners, John Lambeth and John Saca, plan ground floor retail topped by high-rise condominium towers in the 800 block. With the housing market in a slump, Mohanna said they plan to concentrate on getting the retail built first.

Mohanna said his current problem is that a November fire in the already-devastated 800 block resulted in two additional buildings being demolished, one belonging to him and one belonging to Zeiden.

Another building, now owned by the city, is slated for demolition. And a fourth building has been declared dangerous.

Given this state of affairs, he said, the four banks that hold loans totaling $4 million on his 700 block properties have thus far been unwilling to transfer those debts to the collection of ruined buildings in the 800 block.

"The banks gave us loans because the buildings were operable and had tenants," Mohanna said.
"Now we are asking the lenders to take their loans and put them on the next block, so the banks have a legitimate argument saying these are not similar types of buildings. There is no income."

"Right in the middle of the appraisal, two buildings got demolished," he said.
Mohanna said he did not have insurance on 810 K St., which burned in the fire. Zeiden's adjacent building, 812 K St., also was destroyed.

The Sacramento City Fire Department is still investigating the cause of the fire, but Mohanna said transients were trespassing in both buildings.

Mohanna said the city should figure out some way to help resolve the issue of the loans for the
700 block.

He also said any insurance money collected for buildings in the 800 block should go to help fix up the 800 block.

"I think it can get worked out," he said.

"It's not a major obstacle. It's just a matter of the city sitting with the banks and convincing them that these collaterals are equal."

Assistant City Manager John Dangberg said Friday that Mohanna's loans "are not our issue."

"We have a land exchange agreement -- period," he said. Dangberg said he planned to meet with Mohanna next week.

"If there's some way to work this out, we're eager to do that. Our objective here it to get this transfer done. We're doing everything we can to make this happen, however we have to do it."

Dangberg said the use of eminent domain to wrest the buildings from Mohanna is "not out of the realm" of possibility.


  1. OK- I need someone to blame here, and I'm too disinterested in details to really sort all of the stuff out. But it's Mohanna right? I keep seeing his name in the news, etc., as the guy who keeps holding things up and dropping the ball and stonewalling on deals.

    It's Mohanna, right? Please help. I want to start designing the t-shirts today.

  2. Try Kerridge, Fargo, Dangberg...and their collective crew of incompetents, laggards, crooks, stooges, bs artists and thieves...

  3. Yeah, well, that doesn't read well on a t-shirt. Plus it sounds a wee bit more cynical than what I was going for.

    Also, LIUS. A restaurant FYI for all: the wife and I just had lunch at Spicy Pickle at 14th and O. It's a chain of sorts from Denver. But really good lunch fare-panini, soups, pizzetti. Nicely done. Should be an excellent lunch spot for the State folks. AND it serves beer. Nice.

    (Per the manager, they've been open about a week.)

  4. We need to differentiate our anonymous users here a bit. I am not that guy directly above. I'm the other guy in positions 1 and 3. I'd like to be known as "optimistic-wary anonymous".

    The reason being is: man, that other anonymous guy is a jerk. He's calling people on this blog "clowns." That's not even the proper usage. "Clowns" is reserved for people who are supposed to be doing a job, but aren't (e.g., "those clowns in Congress"). I'm just excited about development; I'm not actually doing it.

    Maybe the other anonymous guy should be a nuisance on another blog. He brings nothing but venom to the discussion.

  5. Well, the article says they have a land exchange agreement, not sure if that is legally binding or not though. Like you said, seem like Mo is trying to pull something again.

  6. As for the Anonymous person/people, I know there are lot of different ones out there, and I don't care if people have different opinions than me and what to express them, but in an appropriate manner. Idiot comments like we've been getting on here recently are useless though.

    Some just want to egg people on and could care less about the subjects. I think I'm just going to start deleting comments that are just posted to try and piss people off

  7. It seems like the bank is part of the problem: the bank notes were based on the presence of the existing structures (the potential source of rental revenue) and now that the structure isn't there they aren't willing to honor the previous notes, rather than Mohanna being obstinate. Although I wouldn't rule it might have been something that was considered a "shortcut" that backfired badly... (pardon me while I adjust my tinfoil hat!)

  8. I also find it very odd how Mohanna does not have insurance on buildings that have such a high risk of fire.

    Very odd timing of this whole thing.

    "optimistic-wary anonymous" - I have been meaning to drop by Spicky Pickle one evening for take out. The menu actually looks good. I'm always down for trying a new thin crust pizza.
