Friday, February 09, 2007

16th and L Retail Project

I ran across a retail project planned for the surface parking lot at 16th and L across from the Firestone Building and the new Grand Wines (I think that is what it's called).

Not sure who the developer is or any time line. Anyone with info, please let us know.

Looks like there are 4 retails spots available. I do like the fact that there are small spaces below 2K in the mix for hopefully some independent mom and pop type places to open up, in addition to that big 7k+ space.

I'd really like to see something other than just full service restaurants take up all these spaces and others along 16th Street. The space next to Pronto at 16th and O, while a pretty small space is getting a new pizza by slice place that will have full bar and will be open late night...excellent. Smaller establishments like that would be nice to have in the area. A new bakery or cheese shop would be much appreciate by someone who already lives near by.

16th Street has a lot of potential to be a very cool walkable commercial urban street, and while this retail will help connect the dots, I'm pretty disappointed at the ordinary look of it. Granted this looks like a very preliminary rendering, but blah so far. I'm also disappointed at what looks like only 1 story retail with no housing or even some office space for some density.

Then again though, keeping it 1 story might be conducive toward attracting some more nightlife since they wouldn't have to worry about upstairs residential units and noise. That area already brings in a lot of people with PF Changs, Mikuni's and Bistro 33 on the next block so an after dinner place would fit the bill nicely.

The Firestone Building across the street has from what I have been told inked California Pizza Kitchen to a lease, but is probably still waiting for a lease on the other restaurant spot and nightclub portion before they start. The office building next door has interest from restaurants and a bank so we should see that space taken soon. We should hear more about the East End Gateway next month as they wanted to choose new developers for sites 2 and 3 by March.

Now we just need some one to pick up that prime surface lot at 16th and J


  1. I agree--that building needs some zazz! With an Art Deco building across the street to draw inspiration from, it seems like they could add a few details to make it a bit more eye-friendly.

    Yay for putting buildings on parking lots! A lot of that stretch was auto dealerships or service stations in the postwar era, replacing earlier multi-story homes (along the lines of the Maydestone) along Sixteenth. Let's hear it for taking back auto-centric uses!

  2. Speaking of Maydestone, has anyone heard any updates?

  3. The project is in escrow, but there is still rehab work going on (although it is hard to see from the outside).

    The current owner needs to rehab the building to its original condition before escrow can close, and then the new owners can modify the units for rent/sell.

    Completion within 6/9 months

  4. btw..I picked up that info from what 'Sacdelicious' posted on Skyscraperpage

  5. interesting - they make a point in the rendering to show how the rooftop is accessible... but for what reason?

    also find it a little strange in this type of market where the land cost is so high, that the developer would opt to build only one story. maybe the the space for parking is too limited?

  6. That's a disappointment. That stretch of street would look so cool if they tried to use some of the same design concepts that were used across the street. Four or five floors made out of brick.

  7. TD - The only thing I could think of is the person bought the land so long for cheap that it doesn't really come into play as much since thhe didn't have to pay current prices for it.

  8. Please, sweet Jesus, bring some retail. Please please please please please. I don't wanna hear about another sushi or wine bar or California style restaurant or club or whatever. Hip restaurants were the catalyst- it's time to diversify. Although it's corporate, I would take a Barnes and Noble at this point. Does anyone hear me on that one? I'd love to get my book browse on at 9:30 on a Wednesday...

  9. It's pretty close to Newsbeat and Avid Reader (six blocks up L) as well as Time Tested Books (five blocks in the other direction) so I can't see how a bookstore would be needed...although one of the original ideas for the Firestone property was to relocate Beers Books there--the square footage would be about the same as Powell's Books in Portland. That got nixed, which is where California Pizza Kitchen came in.

    The other bookstore irony is that Beers used to be on 15th and L...

  10. Yeah, I know about those bookstores. Not really the same thing though. Newstands are great, and I know that there was talk of a European-style newsstand at 1801 L. But I tend to put used bookstores in a different category. Even Beers is a little different. I'm not just talking about a slick corporate bookstore, I'm talking about something relatively complete too.

    Anyhoo, it's not about Borders or Barnes and Noble or Codys per se, it's about having something else to do at 8:00 at night in midtown besides eat and drink. Corporate bookstores do a pretty good job in keeping suburbanites occupied.

  11. Anonymous - Don't you see the advantages of having sushi on every corner of the grid? *major sarcasm*

    Yes, I mix of some other things would be nice. Too many eaters only make the area busy duing eating times

    I would like to see a irish pub or casual bar part of the mix though.

    I remember the Firestone building said they would look at even clothing stores for the rehab, but looks like that isn't going to happen.

    I doubt we will see a B&N outside of K Street or the CBD. I think they would need more room that could be provided in midtown or on the border between DT nad MT. I think along 16th would have been a great place for Beers, oh well

  12. td:

    It could be that the intent is to place parking on the roof, similar to the Office Max building at 17th and J streets, thereby maximizing buildable space within a single-story profile. Hard to tell from this one drawing, though.

  13. That a good point, sacurbnplnr. I was wondering where the parking would go. I highly doubt the city would approve a parking variance that high. Plus, I'm sure the retails are going to want at least some on site.

  14. Hey LIUS, another opening in Midtown!

    I was just in Hinas teas on K (across from Ricks and next to True Love.) It just opened today. Although it is super slick looking, it is actually a small business (with a good architect). Hina, this cute little Indian lady from London, is really nice, the teas are fantastic, and the space (while not yet completely done) is phenomenal. And it's reasonable to boot. I think it's gonna be a big hit.

    With Grand Wines opening this week too, this has been a good week for niche businesses.

    Oh, and McCormick and Shmicks is slated for the 19th.

  15. on the alley side there is a service elevator and a staircase with an arrow showing down. on the L street side, there is a smaller elevator and a staircase with an arrow going up. so it looks to be at three levels minimum. though you can't tell whether the alley side ramp heads towards the top or bottom level - i wouldn't think there is room for both? i dunno?

  16. You know, I have really got into good teas over the last couple of years. Tea Cosy at 10th and R inside "The Building" really has a great selction of good teas. The owners are really cool people too. I'm def going to have to check out Hinas.

    I drove my M&S today. I only got a quick look from the outside as I was driving by, but it looked sharp. They've done great work with out building in other cites, so I really want to check it out.

    Hard to beat $1.99 happy hour bar food...

  17. apparently there is an irish bar which just signed a 20 year lease to be the 4000 sq ft resident at the firestone building. i talked with the owner lastnight and he said that they should break ground next month and his bar is set to open may 2008. he also said that the other residents were CPK and Flemings steakhouse... and perhaps Roys from Hawaii being the final resident.

  18. Would this building be in the CBD? The cities masterplan for parking says...

    The parking regulations (Chapter
    17.64.060)No parking is required in the Central Business for retail uses.
    The ongoing Central City Parking Master Plan has verified the adequacy of the zoning ordinance
    requirements for office development in the Central City.

  19. Oh man, that's awesome about the Irish Bar. Hopefully it keeps with the true Irish sprit.... pub atmosphere, lots of fun, and lot of good beers on tap...and some irish whiskey!

    I had heard Roys and Flemings were rumors for the building, but didn't know they were actually signed. It would have been nice to see a little diversity in the retail, and esp not all full service palces, hopefully the retail accross the street can make up for it now.

    19 and T - That's good info. 16th Steet is the cutoff between downtown and midtown, so I am pretty sure this would reside in the midtown area.

    THe MAARS project ran into issues with parking, we'll see how this one does.

  20. It looks like there is parking on the second level. There is only one elevator (and a service room). Both staircases look the same.

    There is some kind of Irish place at 12th and K by the Broiler. I've never been there though...

    So many sushi places, but so many are closed on Sunday evenings. Which ones are open then?

  21. Off the top of my head, Mikuni, Zen Sushi, Kru, and Nishiki.

    The Irish Pub at 12th and K is Gallagers. They close at 11 pm though and are closed on Sunday's.

    They are in a tough location. You barely know it's there. Every time I walk by, it seems like no one is in there.

  22. Hey guys... am I banned from this website too?

  23. William - I sent you an email. I do moderate comments, but the only ones I do not post are people trolling.

  24. I think the land sold recently (Within last 5 yrs). It makes no sense to have a one story building there being that it is such a prominent corner. The cost of doing what is shown would be astronomical and a waste of a great site.They should buy the tire place next door and make a bigger multi-story building-- mixed use would be nice!

  25. The prices in that area really started going nuts after the East End Lofts (Elliott Building) was so successful. I think that project finished in 2003. So if they bought before then, they probably got it from much cheaper than after that project was completed.

    Either way, only doing one story is a disappointment in that great location. At least with the Firestone Building, I’m guessing there might have been either preservation issues or cost issues with the preservation that maybe prevented them from building some density on that site.

    Originally, the owners of the Firestone building were actually looking to renovate the art deco podium and building a high rise office building on top of it. Then there were rumors of them partnering with Opus West to building a mid rise condo tower with 100 units.

    Not sure what happen, if preservation issues made it financially tough to build up or they just changed their minds, but I can at least see there might have been issues with it

    If anyone has info on their decision, let us know.
