Thursday, May 24, 2007

East End Gateway Update

As you know, I am very big on the 16th Street, so I will try to always update people on anything going on along that street, no matter how big or small.

A couple months ago, CADA choose Ravel Rasmussen for site 3 and SKK for site 2 at 16th and O. With SKK wanting both sites or none, CADA has decided to give both sites to Ravel Rasmussen.

I was unable to attend the meeting, so if anyone has details I'd appreciate any info.

From the agenda on May 18th it looks like CADA and Ravel Rasmussen have entered into a Exclusive Right to Negotiate, but I don't know for how long, but lets hope it doesn't take as long as sites 1 and 4 have with Lambert Development.

From the original proposals, Ravel Rasmussen has proposed about 69 rentals and 13K in retail space.

I really wanted to see some ownership housing on these sites, so let's hope sites 1 and 4 have them. From what I have heard, Lambert Development is doing just that.

The last CADA meeting I attended a couple months ago extended the ERN for site 4 until September, for which they expect to have a DDA in place. Let's hope they are right, but given the slow progress until now, I'll believe it when I see it.

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