Saturday, September 29, 2007

Marshall Hotel Rehab and Expansion

Now this is interesting...The new owners of the Marshall have been talking about how the want to redevelop the Marshall into something else. I found this info on the Preservation Commission agenda for next week. Its the plans for the site.

Looks like they want to rehab the Marshall into a hotel run by Grand Heritage Hotel Group. There is even a "Coming Soon" for Sacramento on the website. It also looks like from their other properties that they have a lot experience with old buildings in other cites.

It looks like the building next to it would be demolished for a 14 story building, which the staff report says:

"has been surveyed by Historic Environment Consultants as part of the City’s Expanded Downtown Survey and the consultant’s recommendation is that the structure is not eligible for listing in the Sacramento or California Registers"



I've always loved the look of the Marshall (as well as The Berry and Capitol Park Hotel for that matter) and glad to see it will be preserved, but the other one doesn't hold the same value for me, even though I always thought we would see someone try and rehab the building at some point. The back looked cool, but I guess the front has gone through a ton of changes.

From the renderings below, the new building def looks like it would blend in nicely with the look of the Marshall, even though you can still tell they are two different buildings.

Pretty darn cool to see these old cool looking building become unique to Sacramento hotels, like The Citizen. We had quite a few of them back in the days, but alas not many are left.

Here's the staff report and some renderings from it.
M07-073 The Marshall Hotel (Noticed on 09/21/07)
Location: 1128 - 7th Street, District 1
Recommendation: Receive and Provide Direction- Item A: Pre-application review and comment on The Marshall Hotel proposal involving a City Landmark exterior rehabilitation and major expansion, including demolition of adjoining property to north of Landmark structure
Contact: Roberta Deering, Senior Planner for Historic Preservation, 916 808-8259

Staff Report
Jade Hotel Survey
Marshall Hotel Survey
Cool Stuff


  1. I may have to go chat with the new owners...the building was named for the doctor who originally built a sanitarium on the spot in the 1870s. His wife was very significant in Sacramento history--possibly one of the most significant of Sacramento women. Perhaps they'd be interested in knowing more about what they bought...

  2. Leave it to Wburg to know the history of a building! I had no idea about the sanitarium on that location.
    Glad to see the owners are planning to spend some cash on the building. It just would not do the location justice to do a light remodel on the existing building.

  3. It would be great to see more of the older buildings renovated like this !

    Im with you on the Capitol Park Hotel , one of my secret favorites !

  4. This is going to look great.
