Friday, January 11, 2008

East End Gateway Site 1 - 16th and N

16th and N Street
- 125 Units: 63 1B/1B, 53 2B/2B, 3 townhouses, and 6 penthouse units
- 3,450 Retail Space
- 15 Stories
Developer: CADA / Lambert Development
Architect: Carrier Johnson

East End Gateway Site 1 at 16th and N is up for Design Review on Jan 16th.

One thing I noticed that I like is how they wrap the parking with housing. That's such a damn site for sore eyes after a couple projects that have don't conceal the garage at all.

The down side is they are looking to use precast concrete...I'm not a fan of that stuff at all.

If these all East End Gateway sites get built, there is going to be a a lot of good stuff going on over the next couple of years. Between the 3 sites, there will be 209 housing units and over 17K in new retail space.

I even noticed today that the other side of the street where the Capitol Unity Center is going to be located has been fenced off ready to demolish the existing building in preparation for the center to be built.

Keeping on the 16th Street, there is also a new clothes boutique called Atelier open for business between P and Q street. Looks like they will specialize in vintage and handmade clothing. If this your thing, be sure to check them out. They will be open late for 2nd Saturday this weekend.

Lot of good stuff happening on this street. 'about time..I've been waiting forever!



  1. I dig it, and it looks great from all sides :-) Just looking at the rendering with out knowing, I would have never known there was parking included unless you said. 16th Streets going to be the place to be in a few years.

  2. I think the N Street side may be the best part of the design. Too many times it seems like the design on the side streets is totally forgotten and jack up . This one interacts and puts eyes on the street...and doesn't just include an exposed parking garage.

  3. Sweet! I used to live in that apartment building right there between it and the park.

    This will be nice in terms of getting a couple of more businesses that way. This could be a "connector" piece between the Fremont area and the Handle District.

    Too bad that little quaint apartment building has to go. The facade was actually pretty cute, if I remember correctly.

  4. The small apartment building is going away, but the two larger apartment buildings are going to be nominated as landmark structures. Part of that is because there was a compromise between CADA and the city: the new General Plan category for that block was designated for buildings no more than 7 stories tall. If CADA got an exemption for their buildings, other developers would want to follow suit.

    Instead, the city is extending the central business district by a block to include this project and the East End; the historic building nomination for the two buildings on 15th (both dense, multi-story structures) will protect those two buildings (to some extent) from later demolition.

  5. From what I heard at the communith meeting on this a few months ago..the small building on the site is going to be partially moved.

    That building (not Park Mansion, which is a cool building) is actually two buildings connected by just a walkway. CADA was planning on moving the front portion which has a decent facade (I think 2 or 4 units) elsewhere, but the back portion will be demolished.

  6. Yeah-the Park Mansion is where I lived. I have good memories of living there. Top floor, with park views. It blows my mind what has changed in the neighborhood since I left there 5 years ago. I think that Lucca was JUST completed by the time we left: no Zocalo, or the Park, or anything.

    BTW- a HUGE FYI for the fans. Ginger Elizabeth just opened her Chocolate Store in 1801 L last night (Second Saturday). It was quite the scene, and she does really great work. As promised, she has FOUR kinds of hot chocolate on tap (perfect for this season), and the Oaxacan spicy hot cocoa will make you cry. Not to mention all the truffles. Her website is up too:

  7. I live right across the street from the proposed site. I too lived in Park Mansion for a time, and would warn those residents on the 16th Street side that when construction starts that noise is going to be horrible. This neiborhood is going to have lots of building for the next 5 years. Guess I better get used to less parking and more noise for a while-or move.

    I do think the structure is to tall though...most buildings around here are no more than 4 stories and that is a very busy intersection.

    From the pictures posted, I wish it was less industrial looking. I wish it would have the character of Park Mansion's facade or like the Artdeco ones in this neighborhood.

  8. Lambert's ERN has ended on this site with CADA choosing not to extend it.

    Look for CADA to do a new RFP over the next couple of months for this site and site 4
