Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Street Ahead: A Walking Tour on K Street

Mayor Heather Fargo, the City of Sacramento, and the Downtown Sacramento Partnership invite you to participate in a walking tour of K Street

Come see the activity that is transforming K Street into the epicenter of culture, entertainment, business, dining, shopping and living!

The Street Ahead: A Walking Tour on K Street Saturday, February 2, 2008 10:00 a.m. to noon

To RSVP or for more information, call (916) 808-7223
Please RSVP by Monday, January 28, 2008.

This could be interesting... listening to Mayor Fargo talk about troubled K Street for two hours. The under construction Cosmopolitan Cabaret at 10th and K Street could be the highlight of the stroll.


  1. I had the same reaction...whatever.

    I might go if I get out of bed in time.

  2. This is interesting. Probably like you all, I'm wondering about the timing etc.Seems sorta like John McCain walking through the Green Zone to convince us that Baghdad is safe.

    One thing that struck me as interesting (albeit coincidental). I was at an annual Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Assn. meeting in Curtis Park. We had councilwoman Lauren Hammond there, and some of the people in our neighborhood are government mucky-mucks, lobbyists, attorneys, etc. At one point in the meeting, they all started commiserating about the state of K Street. People saying it was in the worst state in 25 years and stuff. Panhandling, etc.
    I thought "really? At least there is something going on right now. I can't imagine the place in 1990, when it was likely desolate AND no one cared about development."

  3. Anonymous:

    You are mistaken about K Street being desolate in 1990. I have lived in Sacramento for 26 years, I can tell you that the 700 and 800 blocks of K Street never looked worse. Even the 900 and 1000 blocks have less activity and retail choices to offer than 20 years ago, although these blocks are certainly benefitting from the recent investments by the Crest, the new owners of the former Woolworth building, and others.

    There is certainly light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for K Street, however, with the planned investments by the City and private parties.


  4. OK- well, as a person who has only lived here for about 5+ years, I am only guessing about the state of K Street in 1990.

    My point is this: take a look at
    pictures of K Street pre-suburban sprawl, like the 1940s. Amazing. The condition of K Street today is abhorrent in comparison. However, I know that a number of businesses (and buildings) down there have been built since the 1990s(the Esquirte-1999, the Sheraton- 2001, 1201K- 1992) and the periods from about 1950-1990 were marked by decentralization and neglect of urban cores. The revival of urbanism is relatively new (hence "New Urbanism").

    We can quibble about what blocks looked better in 1990 vs. now, but I'm guessing that 1990 K Street was pretty marginal, compared to what it was pre-war and what is going to be.

  5. Anyone go on the walk? Any news to report from it?

  6. Here is a quick report from another wesite

    There was also news about the Elks Building getting another restaurant on the 11th street side. Pretty sharp looking.
