With R15, Cafe Bernardo, Space 007 and Empire anchoring one end, with Fox & Goose and The Art Foundry the other end between 10th and 15th, this will help connect the street between those two. Hopefully Capitol Lofts (another cool brick building) does get off the ground this year as planned to put another piece in place. I really think this part of R Street can become a really fun and interesting section of town. Food, Art, Music, Drink and Theatre...
I had a quick conversation with who I think was the owner about a year ago as I was walking by, they originally were looking at a wine bar, but it didn't work out. Now though..
Art Gallery? Yay!
Hof Brau? Double Yay!!
More Sushi? Not so yay. If they stay away from "Rock and Roll Sushi" it could be a Yay with me though. If you are reading, please go more traditional. Ease up on the mayo covered stuff.
R Street can be a special different place in Sacramento. There is a lot of work to do, and a lot of roadblocks (Buzz Boxes, Infrastructure, ect), but here hoping this is another step in the right direction.
Now if someone would take that corner spot in the brick building at R and 11th....
14th and R Street

New rising: Former midtown bakery building to become loft housing
By Bob Shallit - bshallit@sacbee.com
Published 3:41 pm PST Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The housing downturn isn't slowing D&S Development Inc., a Folsom company that's marching ahead with new residential projects.
The latest: Loft dwellings, eateries and possibly an art gallery in what was once a Wonder Bread bakery warehouse at 14th and R streets in downtown Sacramento.
D&S is in escrow to buy the vacant, 95-year-old brick building and plans to start construction next month on what will be 12 residential units sitting above restaurants and retail shops - just down the block from Randy Paragary's R15 nightclub.
"These will be true lofts," Steve Lebastchi, a D&S partner, says of the 600- to 900-square-foot housing units. "We're keeping all the brick....the 15-foot ceilings with exposed ducts and beams." And, he notes, the lofts will be in former industrial space, "just like in New York."
The developers - who last year completed a similar-sized condo project in Old Sac - haven't decided on pricing or whether the R Street housing will be for sale or lease. But they say the units, which come with a parking space, will be built to "condo standards," with energy-saving elements that will qualify for LEED certification.
Among the potential tenants being considered for the 12,000 square feet of retail space are a Japanese restaurant, a "hof brau" and an art gallery.
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