Friday, May 16, 2008

LJ Urban in West Sac

I am very interested to see how LJ Urban's projects in West Sacramento are going to reshape that area. They have been able to purchase quite a bit of land in the area so they are going to have a large say in how the area transforms.

With the river access, CalSTRS, Raley Field, Old Sac, and downtown/midtown so close, the location offers a lot of potential in time.

I had a chance to attend one of their event a few months ago and the impression I came away with was they "get it".

They were genuine in wanting all our advise and suggestions, and many suggestions/ideas people made were implemented. This isn't a 'come tell us what you think, but we really don't care we just have to do it' type of company. They get it.



Its Time…
May 15th, 2008

I feel like we have been getting ready for this moment forever, honestly for a little while I thought it would never come. But its finally time, and its for real.

LJ Urban is pleased to announce the first of our homes in our LEED ND certiifed Good project is ready for you to come check it out (or at least it will be next Saturday) The project is one of the first in the country to be finished under the LEED ND certification pilot program.

We are going to be hosting a sneak peak on the 24th of May where we are inviting you to come take a look for your self and see what we have been working on for the last 3 years. I can’t even begin to tell you what a big moment this is for all of us. We have been putting our hearts and tears (trust me there have been many) into making this the best most sustainable, livable, and just all around wonderful place in Sacramento.

We are happy to welcome the The Live Lightly Tour, a veggie fueled RV that Matt and Sara are driving around the country to help educate everyone on ways to live a more sustainable life style, they will be set up outside the project giving tours of their RV. Also we are going to be enjoying Organic Carribean food served by Kimba from Roots and Kulchah. And as if that was not enough Dusty Brown a local Sacramento musician will be setting the mood with his groovy music.

Its a sneak peak because we are not quite ready to start selling the homes. When we do start June 1st we are going to be coming at it from a whole different angle that you would expect. Instead of having an agent sit there for hours and hours every day wasting energy waiting for people to show up. We are going to be hosting “eco-urban 101″ dinners. The dinners are going to happen every few weeks and are going to be open to 10 people each time. At the dinners you will be able to learn just what is so different about eco-urban housing from the team here at LJ Urban and various other people who worked on making this project a reality. Its sort of a green building class, and will be open to anyone who is interested. We are not trying to sell the houses at these dinners but instead educate people on what we did to make this a sustainable neighborhood. We set out to change the world and want this project to be a beacon of sustainable building at its best. I am very excited about being able to tell the story of Good.

The sneak peak is going to be held Saturday the 24th from 10-2 at Good. Good is at the corner of 4th and B Sts in West Sacramento. We hope to see you there!

If you have not already, don’t forget to sign up on the Good project interest list so you will be kept in the loop about the next eco-urban 101 dinner. We expect them to fill up fast and are not going to do them all the time so if you are interested please don’t wait. There will be a sign up sheet in the Model on the 24th for you to sign up. Or you can email me at

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