Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Docks

Last week legislation was signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to allow the mixed-use Docks Area proposal to move forward. The governor signed AB 2026, which would allow the State Department of Parks and Recreation to sell or exchange with the city of Sacramento three Docks project parcels and one further north in property adjacent to the Downtown Railyards Redevelopment Area. Sacramento legislator Assemblyman Dave Jones (D), had tried for three years to the get the parcels transferred, but that move had been vetoed by Schwarzenegger over technical disagreements concerning whether an analysis under the California Environmental Quality Act was warranted before the land could change hands. The legislation, authored by Mike Villines (R) of Clovis contained language by Jones to also allow:

• The Parks Department can enter into an agreement with a non-profit to develop and run a children’s museum in Old Sacramento.

• The state can sell or lease the National Guard Armory in East Sacramento to the Sacramento Catholic Diocese for expansion of St. Francis High School. The Diocese has been working on a deal for more than a decade to expand.

Option A1

Option A1

Option A2

Option B

Last month the Design Commission approved the proposal which now means it will need approval by the City Council to move forward. The proposal is a mixed-use project including 1,100 new homes and 500,000 square feet of office and retail on the Sacramento riverfront. There are currently three land options being considered for the 29.3-acre property site.

1 comment:

  1. 1,100 new residential units along the waterfront sounds very exciting, but I'm curious to see what the City does about providing an inlet and outlet for all of those residents as they try to find their way to and from work.
