Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Railyards

Below are a few snippets of information from the "Friends of the Railyard" November Newsletter.

Plans for infrastructure at the site are underway and construction workers will soon be hired to build new streets, sidewalks, bridges, overpasses, underground utilities and bike paths. After voter passage of Propositions IB and 1C in 2006, bond money is now flowing into public projects like The Railyards and beginning in 2009 downtown commuters and office workers will begin to notice increased activity at the site.

The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) issued by S. Thomas Enterprises of Sacramento, LLC, on October 31, 2008 for engineering services for the 5TH Street, 6TH Street, 7th Street Tunnel & Railyards Boulevard Project. With the exception of the schedule extension indicated in this amendment, all other aspects of the RFQ remain unchanged

Amended Schedule
Release RFQ 10/31/2008
SOQ Due Date 11/14/2008
Interviews of Top 3 Consultants Completed 11/21/2008
Selection of Successful Consultants 11/21/2008
Negotiation of Scope and Fees Completed 11/26/2008
Award Contract and Notice to Proceed 12/02/2008

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