Monday, April 20, 2009

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

This project will be constructed in two phases and includes demolishing the existing church and building a new 1000 seat Cathedral worship facility which the Design Commission approved last week.

A joint venture project is also in the planning stages for a new B Street Theatre in partnership with Sutter Hospital. The theatres planned for across the street from the Cathedral between 27th & 28th Street on Capitol Ave. with 95 condos and a 250 seat theatre.


  1. Looks a lot better than the last version that I think was all white. Still I would really rather have the brick church stay.

  2. I agree, I really like the brick building that is there now, it has a timeless charming feel to it. About this time last year I learned from the Manager of Administration of the Trinity Church that the future building was to include retaining the stain glass windows from the current building. At that time they were also still in the process of raising18M to build the new Cathedral.

  3. There is no money to build this particular eyesore. The plan is exactly the same as the last one that got approved, but they did not have enough money to build it and their entitlement to build it was going to run out so they got it renewed. Unless the church gets a big pile of dollars from somewhere very quickly, it won't happen this time either.
