Sunday, July 26, 2009

Relocating Downtown Greyhound

This Tuesday the 28th, City Council will vote to authorize construction of the new Greyhound Terminal Building on Richards Blvd. The plan is to have Greyhound terminal moved by April 1, 2012 when the lease at its current location (703 L Street) expires. There is also the possibility that relocation may need to occur sooner if the landlord at 703 L Street exercises its right to an early termination of the current lease. The City Council also plans to suspend the traditional process of competitive bidding for building design because it could extend the project completion time beyond Greyhound's lease expiration date.

Money to pay for this project will come from the cities General Fund (Fund 1001) when city staff return in the fall of 2009 with a recommendation to award the final professional services agreement for architectural design services. Staff will then proceed with the competitive process in selecting a qualified contractor to build the new terminal. The chosen contractor will assist the architect in scoping and designing a constructible facility within the project budget.

Background Information

On December 12, 2006, City Council authorizing the purchase of 300 Richards Boulevard, which included several adjacent vacant parcels, City staff approached Greyhound to determine if the Richards Boulevard site was feasible for its needs until the Sacramento Intermodal Transportation Facility is ready for occupancy. Greyhound's review determined that the site would adequately accommodate its operations.

May 20, 2008, City Council committing $2 million for required site work including grading, utilities, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and the extension of the driveway off of Richards Boulevard to Bannon Street. The balance of the necessary funds ($4 million) will come from Sheraton Hotel sale proceeds earmarked for downtown redevelopment projects.

February 24, 2009, City Council approved the lease agreement with Greyhound and the Mitigation Monitoring Plan for the 420 Richards Boulevard site improvement.

Work is anticipated to begin on site during summer 2010 with completion at the end of 2011.

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