Good news arrived in September with federal clearance for the Intermodal project and the receipt of State infrastructure dollars allowing construction to proceed on a number of Railyards projects. State funding dollars from three separate State of California Proposition 1C infrastructure programs for the construction of two major downtown streets, 5th Street and Railyards Boulevard. They also received their first disbursement of funding for the abatement work on the historic central shops. With these funds, these projects are moving forward full speed ahead. In addition, the Intermodal team reached a major milestone by securing federal environmental clearance allowing the project to move ahead into final design. Regional Transit's planned extension of the "Green Line" announcing the ground breaking event early October. The "Green Line" will extend light rail north through the Railyards to the River District serving future residents and businesses in these areas. All of these projects will produce a tremendous amount of construction activity at the Railyards and create more jobs for the region.