Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The New Cal Expo 2015

Doug Tatara is the creator of the “Sacramento 2015” or “The New Cal Expo” which would build a new arena, theme park and express monorail between downtown and Cal Expo. Doug’s concept includes building a working theme park/entertainment mall which would be a celebration of California. The Sate Fair would be relocated to the racetrack property and both facilities would operate concurrently. This proposal has a unique financing program called Corporate Sponsors Equity Marketing Program that could raise $500 million by asking the top 100 advertisers in the country who spend $300 million annually on advertising and ask them to join a new entity that will own the arena. To participate they must contribute $20 million for a 20 years prepaid marketing commitment. Doug believes that if 25 corporate sponsors see the value in this venture, $500 million could be raised.

I’m like the financial creativity Doug brings with his proposal but I still dislike this location for a new arena unless they upgrade and widen the Capitol City Freeway. I have never understood why the east bound lanes before leaving downtown are at four lanes but then reduced to two lanes after Exposition Blvd. For an area that supposes to accommodate thousands of visitors a day during the State Fair, this strange freeway orientation seems to spell trouble year round and even more so when large events are be hosted at Cal Expo. I’m also certain the McKinley East Sacramento Neighborhood Association will fight this proposal tooth and nail.

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