Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sacramento River Crossing Study

The new City of Sacramento General Plan includes additional Sacramento River crossings without specifying the location or number of crossings or the transportation modes served by new crossings. The cost of the study will be $260,000 with both The City of Sacramento and the City of West Sacramento sharing the costs for the planning study with West Sacramento contributing $60,000 to that total. The study is expected to be completed in one year, starting in January and ending in December 2010.

The study will include:
• A transparent and proactive public outreach process;
• A purpose and need statement which is grounded in the community values stated in the two cities' General Plan policies and expressed by stakeholders;
• Development of alternatives to include build and no-build scenarios that consider various bridge cross sections types (i.e. types of travel modes that are served), various locations, and number of crossings;
• Planning level analysis of opportunities, constraints, land use implications, impact assessments, travel demand modeling, and costs estimates to inform the process.

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