Sunday, March 07, 2010

626 I Street Rehabilitation Project

This 12-story mixed-use building at 626 I Street will soon start receiving a needed renovation in an effort to bring the property up to current market standards making it ready for occupancy by extremely low income elderly persons. Constructed in 1975 for the Housing Authority, the first three floors are office/commercial, while floors four through 12 provided 108 housing units for elderly and/or disabled families. Over the years, reduced federal funding and insufficient annual public housing capital funds delayed the renovation of major systems including roof, plumbing, electrical and asbestos abatement.

On Tuesday the 9th, Sacramento City Council will vote to fund this project with $19.4 million in grants to modernize the vacate building. Most of the funding will come from the Federal Government, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). In June of 2009, the Housing Authority was awarded $4.6 million for the renovation of units. In addition, the Housing Authority received Council approval to seek funding for the 626 I Street project through a competitive ARRA Capital Funds Recovery Competition (CFRC) Grant. The ARRA competitive grant required a 25 percent match of non-public housing funds. In September 2009, the Housing Authority was awarded the maximum grant of $10 million for the substantial rehabilitation of the 626 I Street Project. The Housing Authority of the City of Sacramento was the only entity in California to be awarded funds through this grant and the awarded amount constitutes 20 percent of the national funding allocation.

The scope of work will include roof repair, window and window wall system replacement, water penetration prevention measures, building sealants, replacement of utility infrastructure (water, sewer, storm drain, and natural gas), and new electrical and mechanical systems. The project when completed will consist of 108 units for occupancy by extremely low income elderly persons in September 2012. No start date for renovations has been given yet.

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