Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bridge Housing Corp. K Street Proposal

Bridges proposing a multi block, mixed use, mixed income residential concept that encompass three new buildings, a renovated Bel-Vue building plus the adaptive re-use of the adjoining Kress Building. The proposal would introduce over 360 units of “green” housing, 33,000 square feet of street facing retail, 48,000 square feet of professional office, 34,000 square feet of terraced open space to the Downtown Area. All new construction will be LEED Silver or Green Point equivalent incorporating sustainable and healthy building materials, solar panels, energy conserving lighting and glazing systems. If this proposal is chosen, construction for phase one would begin in March of 2011 and finished in Fall of 2014. Phase two would begin construction in Spring 2014 and completed in 2016.

This is a well thought out proposal with parking tucked into the structures hidden from street view. I also like that renovations are planned to both the Bel-Vue and Kress Buildings, these are structures that need to be preserved so that Sacramento doe’s not lose some of these unique historical buildings to further deterioration.

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