Thursday, March 25, 2010

David S. Taylor Interests, Inc. 700 & 800 K Street Proposal

This proposal redevelops both the 700 and 800 blocks of K Street. All structures on the 700 block would be renovated for mixed-use retail with the addition of retail kiosk. The 800 block on the corner of 8th & L Street would include remodeling the Bel-Vue Hotel and opening it up for low income residents. A combination of new construction at the corner of 8th & L Street that would also extend into the renovated Bel-Vue would add an additional 54 housing units with retail at the ground level. The north corner of K & 8th Street would include a new four level building that includes mixed-use retail and 66 market rate housing units. Taylor’s plan also includes renovating both the Kress building and Montgomery Ward building for an additional 45 additional housing units; however, they have not been able to establish a viable financial model for this larger vision. Their goal is to join the Kress and Montgomery Ward buildings with the new building at 800 K Street to form a block of housing, retail and tenant parking. The ground floors of Kress and Montgomery Wards as well the K Street and 8th Street frontages of the new construction would be continuous retail except for residential entries on 8th and 9th Streets.

David Taylor has an incredible track record of getting projects done in Sacramento when others can’t quite make it happen. Although I’m not always a fan of how they look aesthetically, his ability to follow through as promised can not be over looked. Because not all the rendering for the proposal are available, I can’t say yet weather I will like it or not. From the looks the one rendering that is available, it appears to look similar to “800 J” which was completed just a few years ago. I hope (if chosen) this K Street proposal looks better than “800 J” which lacks any architectural personality. The buildings function is exactly what downtown needs, but it’s unfriendly cheap looking street appearance is not what K Street needs. By the looks of the vague rending provided, it appears vary similar to the monstrosity on J Street.

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