Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funding for Vehicles on K Street

Today the City staff will recommend the transfer of approximately $2.7 million of existing capital improvement project money to fund both the design and construction phases to allow vehicle traffic back onto K Street from 8th to 12th Streets. This action will only be for budgetary purposes and does not constitute final approval to implement the project. The design and construction phase has an estimated cost ranging from $2,689,000 to $3,248,000. The City of Sacramento's departments of Economic Development and Transportation has retained DKS Associates to conduct both the engineering study that began in June 2009 and options for mixed flow traffic and transit along the street.


I’m still not thrilled about the idea that having cars back on K Street. This streets problems mostly occur in the 700 & 800 blocks where rundown buildings by shady landlords have allowed it to descend. Both the 1100 & 1200 blocks seem fine to me. The city is currently spending $4 million to re-surface 700 block while also have plans to re-surface several more blocks and reintroducing auto traffic which will then tear up the streets again... so what's it going to be?

One more thing if anyone in the City Council is listening, please turn on the speakers that are already installed along K Street and play some Jazz again or some other kind of calming music. Back in the 90’s, Jazz music was pumped onto K Street and it seemed to bring a relaxing atmospher to the street, but  then after several years they were turned off… why? Since the speakers are already installed, just flip the switch on again.


  1. They had jazz playing on those speakers only a few years ago. Not sure what happened. Bring it back, please -- better yet, decriminalize live music/performance on K Street.

    I'm still not convinced that bringing cars back will help anything. Don't we have enough of our city's public space dedicated to automobiles?

  2. Yes, I'm all for live music on K Street. A few weeks ago I was out taking some photos and I heard a saxophone playing in a car garage at 10th and "I" street, that was a nice sound to hear as the sun was going down.

    Cars fix everything, right? *sarcasm*

  3. There's also a really good trumpeter who regularly plays in that garage!
