Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Preservation Commission to hear K Street Projects Today

The Sacramento's Preservation Commission will meet at City Hall today to discuss the four projects proposed for the 700 and 800 blocks of K Street. The Commission will be adding their review and comment on the proposals concerning several historic landmark buildings as well as historic buildings that not currently on the city register. Several of the proposals also involve other historic buildings not in the project areas.

Other projects to be reviewed at the Preservation Commission include a presentation about the Powerhouse Science Center, a museum planned for a riverfront site and another historic building, the old PG&E powerhouse, and a plan for structural and life safety upgrade to the Sacramento Valley Station, another Sacramento landmark, as part of the overall rehab and expansion of the intermodal depot. The Preservation Commission will also discuss policy with The Minimum Maintenance Sub-Committee, which deals with how the city addresses historic properties allowed to fall into disrepair, will provide a report. The Historic/Cultural Resources Survey Committee will report on historic building surveys performed for the city, some of which could result in new historic districts.

New City Hall
915 I Street- 1st Floor, Council Chambers
April 7, 2010- 5:30 P.M.

Tonight’s agenda

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