Saturday, May 15, 2010

Globe Mills Gone Bad

It appears the good intentions to convert the Globe Mills feed and flour mill into affordable senior housing isn’t faring so well. According to the Sac Bee, after being redeveloped two years ago with the help of government funds, Globe Mills was billed as a safe yet hip place for seniors to settle. But police calls to the building have been frequent. Residence have been attacked in the complex's elevator and are fed up with the criminal activity of other tenants, drug dealing and prostitution which are common place according to some residents whom are starting to move out.

Globe Mills is a former feed and flour mill built in 1914 that has now been converted to affordable senior apartments starting at $650 / 1br. The cost to transformed a former grain storage and flour mill into a mixed-income residential development, $38 million.

I saw these crime problems coming three years ago when I was in the area taking photos with a friend. It only took a few minutes before we saw some guy taking a pee on the side of the under construction Globe Mills building while across the street homeless were gathering. The real draw back to this location is the steady traffic of downtrodden walking along 12th Street to and from Loves & Fishes. Three years later, I don’t think much has changed. If the city is going to spend this kind of money on projects downtown, they really need to provide a more visible security presents. This has been a sketchy area for decades just like some areas of K Street, so it’s now time to put more police in the area if you want opinions to change of what urban living is like in Sac.

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