Monday, June 14, 2010

Bridges needed to cross the Sacramento River

It seem like every 3 or 4 years the City of Sacramento will discuss the possibility of building some bridges to link both West Sacramento and Sacramento… and then any ideas that are mentioned seem to be forgotten until another new study is needed to look into it again. This year both the cities of Sacramento and West Sacramento are investigating on whether one or more new bridges are needed so as to better connect the two communities, and are looking to hear from the public on the matter.

Today a non-scientific survey was launched as part of the Sacramento River Crossing Study with a nine-question survey asking where the best location would be to build them. The study will be open for responses till June 24th with the intent to evaluate a number of alternatives from a “no build” option to multiple crossings and locations. A final report is set to go to the city councils by the end of the year. The online survey is available here.

I still don’t understand why the city keeps spending money on study after study but still can’t identify where funding would come from to build just one of these bridges? This is the same story I’ve heard for over 20 years where numerous studies on decking I-5 have been done, but the end result is always that the cost to deck I-5 is substantially more that the previous study, therefore it cost too much to build at this time. I’m certain that these numerous studies have cost the city lots of money and showing virtually nothing new from the previous studies done before. This time, how about including several ideas on where the money to build new bridges would come from, there is no need to waist everyone’s time and money again if there is no funding plan in place to make this plan reality.

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