Wednesday, July 14, 2010

City Picks D&S and Taylor for K Street Development

treeI truly feel the right choice was made here.
One thing that bothered me listening to the meeting last night was it seemed as though people felt we would be settling for a lesser plan and aren't hitting (or at least trying to) a homerun by choosing this plan.
I feel this plan IS a homerun. There was no safe plan, if that was the case, those two blocks would have been developed a long time ago. These plans give us the best chance to see a remarkable change quickly.
One other point: I thought Jason Boggs from Shady Lady made great points regarding one of the key difference between the Rubicon and D&S proposal (other than finances) that was overlooked by a lot of people, The Kniting Factory.
The place was just too darn big and didn't fit what the cities music scene has needed for a long time. A midsize, and most important, LOCAL run venue in the heart of the city. I have complete confidence what they put togther will be a lynch pin in that section of K Street for a very long time.
Memo to Taylor and D& better get this done now. No excuses.
Sacramento council picks lower-cost plan for K Street Mall
The decades-long effort to revitalize downtown Sacramento's K Street got a second wind Tuesday night.
The City Council voted 5-4 to negotiate with two development teams proposing to build more than 200 housing units, shops and restaurants along two downtrodden blocks of the K Street Mall.
The vote spurned a more elaborate proposal by developer Rubicon Partners to bring a year-round market similar to San Francisco's Ferry Building, a music venue and a 10-story housing complex to K Street. That plan faced at least a $50 million funding gap.
For more:

1 comment:

  1. Taylor and D&S have shown in the past that they can get it done, but above all their proposal must bring more people to the area. It's time to upgrade K Street and make it a cool place to be again.
