Monday, July 26, 2010

Streetcar Planning Study

As part of the 2010 federal and state programming, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) awarded a grant in the amount of $310,000 in federal funds to the City of Sacramento for a Streetcar Planning Study. The City of Sacramento applied for these funds in order to perform a planning study that would evaluate the feasibility of alternative streetcar routes throughout strategic locations in the City, compare alignments for maximum economic, environmental and mobility benefits, and develop a priority list for funding and implementation.

This Tuesday the City Council will accept and appropriate funds necessary to begin the planning work. This funding may only be used for the proposed Streetcar Planning Study. The Sacramento Streetcar Planning Study Project  (T15115800) is funded with $310,000 of federal funds (Fund 3703) and $90,000 in local funds (Fund 2001) to be transferred from the Major Streets Improvement project (T15108000) into the Sacramento Streetcar Planning Study Project (T15115800). No general funds are planned or allocated for this project.

The Streetcar Planning Study will evaluate a wide range of potential streetcar options. The City of Sacramento 2030 General Plan focuses on higher density land uses in commercial corridors near job centers. Having a variety of transportation choices which include streetcars promotes accessible alternatives to the automobile and supports the City's economic, land use and transportation goals.

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