Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Next American Dream

The Next American Dream
Is Sacramento Ready?

We used to get dressed up to go “downtown.”
It was an occasion.
It was the place to be.
It was the energy of every growing city.
But times changed.

Suburbia was born.
And we deserted downtown.

It’s time to rebuild our urban cores.
Does Sacramento have the will to rebuild?

Please join us at the Crest Theatre
for a screening of
The Next American Dream,
a documentary film about a downtown coming back to life.

Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010
Social Hour – 5 to 6 p.m.
Screening – 6 to 7 p.m.
After-Party – Social Nightclub (10th and K)

This screening was not brought to you by an association, a chamber, a media outlet, a developer, a politician or the filmmaker. This film was brought to you by people who call Sacramento home. Most importantly, this film was brought to you by a group of people who ready to change the landscape of our region.

For more information about The Next American Dream, visit

Some local Sacramentans are putting this screening on: a new vision for downtown Sacramento.

Check out the trailer at

I think you’ll find it well worth your time


  1. you know who, in particular, are the group of people presenting this film in Sacramento?

  2. I am one of them. No big secret there, as I am the admin of the fb event. "We" simply chose not to make the screening affiliated with any one particular organization. Just a group of caring citizens.

  3. cats out of the bag...locals bring the film to Sac :)

  4. The cats out of the bag...brought to you by the caring citizens of Sacramento :)

  5. It does add a certain air of mystery to say an event is put on by "a group of people who ready to change the landscape of our region" without specifying who those people are.
