Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cars on K Street

This Tuesday the 26th the City Council will award the award the Cars on K Street construction project to Navajo Pipelines, Inc. for an amount of $1,996,975, whom was the lowest bidder. The project was budgeted for $3,061,200 and will be funded by transportation funds and merged downtown tax increment funds.

As of June 22, 2011, the Cars on K Street Improvements Project had a remaining unobligated balance of $2,302,000 which is sufficient to execute the construction contract. There are no general funds planned or allocated for this project. The approval of this project will support 57 jobs in the City of Sacrament based upon the model provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of one new job for every $35,000 of transportation project investments. The projects expected to last 55 days with the return of cars on K by the end of the year.


  1. This is great news. So, once the project is awarded, what does the construction timeline look like?

  2. It will be finished by the end of the year.

  3. This idea couldn't be stupider , what a waste of money

    Housing and retail is the key not cars

  4. A step in the process but not the end-all be-all solution. Might have some potential to cause problems (cruisers heckling ladies outside of District 30, pedestrians/bicyclists/cars not paying attention of each other, etc). However, the retail visibility couldn't hurt, and equally, patrons visiting the late night establishments can get taxi'd directly to their K St. destination as opposed to "walking in fear."

    Housing can't come soon enough, but the amount of units planned (~137...and whatever is built on 800K later in the decade) won't be enough to support retail. What's needed is more private sector employers located in the JKL corridor, expansion of higher education, and then there will be greater demand for DT housing...and likely people who can afford the *cough* "Market Rate."
