Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Federal Funding for Streetcar Project

Federal funding has been offered to Sacramento’s downtown streetcar project of $75 million if Sacramento can also contribute an equal amount for an estimated $150 million project according to the Sacramento Bee. An additional $20 million will also be needed if light rail is moved off K Street onto H Street because the combination of the two would clutter K Street. 
Proposed 3.3 mile trolley would run from West Sacramento City Hall 
to 19th Street in midtown Sacramento.

The next step is to ask property owners along and neat the planned line this spring to vote to tax themselves to help pay for $30 million in construction costs. Last year residents who lived within three blocks of the proposed line in Sacramento rejected the financing plan but this spring another vote is expected as details and timing are still being worked out.

The city of West Sacramento is expected to kick in $25 million from a voter-approved tax measure. The city of Sacramento has agreed to add $7 million, and Sacramento County is expected to contribute $3 million. Proponents say they hope to win $10 million from the state in cap-and-trade funds. If Sacramento lines up the funding, construction would start in 2017 or 2018.

Proposed 3.3 mile trolley would run from West Sacramento City Hall
to 19th Street in midtown Sacramento

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