Tuesday, April 25, 2017

800 Block Design & Review

800 K Street - SW Corner

Yes, after the Sacramento Kings used their option to buy 800 K Street property, they have now submitted plans to the Planning and Design Commission for approval. Ali Youssefi and partners have proposed 148 units, 18,000sf of ground floor commercial, 7 levels (5 residential, 1 retail, 1 below ground parking) for a total of 148,147sf. The proposed height is 85 feet with 130 parking spaces for cars. If built, this will be a great addition to K Street and help in the overall development of the area. I like the outdoor roof space. This project will span from K Street to L Street with the historic Belvue Bldg. standing in between. The new structures will bookend the North and South of the Belvue. No date for starting work has been given and the cost of the project is unknown. Read more about the project HERE.

800 K Street - NW Corner

800 K Street / 801 L Street - SW Corner

800 K Street / 801 L Street - SW Corner


  1. Do you have any information about the parking garage at 21st and capital?
    It put Kupros completely in a shadow. That corner could have been so much more.

  2. It's the only part of the now defunct Whole Foods project that's now getting built. The garage your speaking of was supposed to be built first to help accommodate the loss of parking when the current garage at 2015 L Street was demolished to build the mixed use Whole Foods project. I think the developer is still trying to get a replacement anchor for Whole Foods who has backed out of the project. Here's a link about the project. http://livinginurbansac.blogspot.com/2015/08/mixed-use-project-approved-in-midtown.html
