Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mid-century Modern Landmark Nomination

Tomorrow the Preservation Commission will conduct hearings to determine if four proposed landmarks should be registered as Historic. Gunther’s Ice Cream on Franklin Blvd. represents 1940’s architecture. The Sacramento Courthouse built is 1965 is also being considered because of its Brutalist style. Another one being considered is the Former Savings and Loan / Chase Bank Branch built in 1964 on Freeport Blvd.. The last recommendation is Iva Gard Shepard Garden & Art Center at 3330 McKinley Blvd.
In my option, only two of these should make the cut, the Former Savings and Loan on Freeport Blvd. and Gunther’s on Franklin Blvd. They both have a presents that is unique and distinctive elements of the architectural style while the other two are forgettable. The commission will probably agree that all four deserve Historic statue. To learn more about all four buildings, please go here.

Sacramento Court House at 720 9th Street, built in 1965 

Gunther's Ice Cream at 2810 Franklin Blvd., built in 1949

Former Savings and Loan at 4701 Freeport Blvd., built in 1964

Iva Gard Shepard Garden and Art Center at 3330 McKinley Blvd., built in 1959 


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