Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Colliers Analyzes Benefit from Bay Area Migration

Researchers at Colliers have teamed up with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council to look into future growth in the Sacramento area in a report "Why Greater Sacramento is Next Out West". Even with the acceleration of both companies and households fleeing California in 2020, Sacramento appears to be experiencing strong population growth in 2020. While urban high rises and dense apartment projects have fallen out of favor, a diverse and spacious market like Greater Sacramento has become top of mind for relocating residents and employees.

The report claims that Sacramento is California’s best kept secret and a top destination, part of its appeal is its close connection to the Bay Area and other U.S. markets are increasingly attractive for residents and businesses alike.

Overall, it’s a glowing positive report talking about how diverse the area is like the rest of the state in cultures, landscapes, and experiences. We will just to wait and see how things fare in the next few years.

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