Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Hyatt Centric Hotel @ 1122 7th St. Construction

Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street construction
around original brick façade
The Marshall Hotel / Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street was originally opened in 1911 as the Hotel Clayton and later listed as a landmark on the city's register of historic and cultural resources. The 11-story, 172 room hotel is being constructed around the original brick façade. The project will cost $68 million and includes a  $4 million in city subsidies.

Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street

Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street construction
around original brick façade

Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street construction
around original brick façade

Hyatt Centric Hotel at 1122 7th Street construction
around original brick façade


  1. What's being built in the foreground of the 2nd picture?

  2. I was hoping you’d be providing updated shots on the hotel’s progress.
    Thank you.
