Monday, January 24, 2022

Sacramento County Courthouse Construction

Driving east on Hwy 50 toward two concrete elevator shafts
It appears the Sacramento County Courthouse has almost reached its final height. The steel skeleton for the structure itself is going up around the two concrete elevator shafts that look to be topped out. Completion is scheduled for September 2023.

Sacramento County Courthouse construction

Sacramento County Courthouse construction
seen from the train station

Sacramento County Courthouse construction seen from 7th Street

Sacramento County Courthouse
construction seen from I-5

Sacramento County Courthouse construction seen from the train station

Sacramento County Courthouse construction
seen from the train station

Sacramento County Courthouse construction
seen from the train station

Sacramento County Courthouse construction seen from I-5

Sacramento County Courthouse construction seen from I-5

Sacramento County Courthouse construction seen from I-5

Sacramento skyline from Hwy. 50

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