Friday, April 01, 2022

Sacramento Republic FC Stadium Proposed Again

Remember last year in March when Ron Burkle pulled out of being the lead investor for Sacramento’s MLS team to build a new stadium? Today the Sacramento Republic FC declared they have nearly 1$ billion in private funding for a stadium in The Railyards. Very little detail has been made public about whom is funding this proposal, but it sounds as if they found investment 'whales' to help bring MLS soccer to Sacramento. According to KCRA, “There are still some contractual things that need to be worked out but their hope is to be wrapped up in the next 90-120 days thus moving the project forward”. As you can see in the rendering, the new stadium looks very different and there is no shade for the fans.


  1. I think your commentary is a bit mis-leading. The stadium is stated to be built specifically for USL Soccer with the ability to expand if a MLS team was ever granted to Sacramento. So to clarify, there is no MLS team coming to Sacramento yet and they do not have a lead billion dollar investor. These investors will be financing a USL Stadium for the current Sac Republic.

  2. Maybe so, this is all very vague and hopeful to me until investors are named and details a given.

  3. As always love checking your page and thank you for the updates you're continually providing.
