Friday, August 09, 2024

On-Hold: 201 N St. Residential High-Rise

It’s been reported in the Sacramento Business Journal that the proposed 28 story residential high-rise at 201 N Street has officially been paused. With no activity with the city of Sacramento to secure building permits since 2022, it’s a safe bet Southern Land Company is feeling the pinch from the slowing economy. The proposed project exterior looked to be made with high quality materials and lots of details. Does Sacramento have enough deep pockets to rent out or own enough of these high-rise units to make them profitable? I would say no, that is why downtown sees lots of residential projects being built up to eight stories, after that the construction costs to go taller are to high and there are not enough people in Sacramento willing to pay that high amount to live there. I could make an extensive list of all the failed high-rise residential projects in Sacramento in the last 40 years, this might be another.

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