Saturday, August 23, 2008

Greyhound Bus Terminal

On August 1st a revised Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the new Greyhound Bus Terminal off Richards Blvd. was submitted for review. This is great since it has been nearly 19 years of bla, bla, bla, and nothing getting done. The proposed Greyhound Bus Terminal site would be located at 420 Richards Boulevard east of I-5 and 1.2 miles north or the current bus terminal site.

The Richards Boulevard Redevelopment Area, recently renamed the River District Redevelopment Area, was approved by City Council as a Redevelopment Plan area in 1990. Ultimately, the facility will be located permanently in the Sacramento Intermodal Transportation Facility. The Intermodal remains the City’s preferred long-term location for Greyhound; however, the facility will not be developed for a number of years due to the need to secure substantial federal funding.

The proposed project consists of a 13,100 square foot building on approximately 1.74 acres.


  1. Putting the Greyhound station directly in front of two homeless shelters...what could possibly go wrong?

  2. Do you think the L Street Lofts (18 and L) are overpriced? Why? They seem to cost *much* more than other developments in the area.

  3. It will be interesting to see if the hotel/condominium project at the post Greyhound L Street site, described on this blog back in May is still in the works.

  4. wburg: I don't see a problem with it, it's only temporary right.

    walter: The selling point for the L Street Lofts is the location, built right in the center of many dinning and midtown actives. It's also unique because it's a new building in an area where most housing is very old, so that's important for those aren’t into buying an older structure. From what I understand, their sales are doing fine (3 a month) so I guess the price is right for some.

    chris p: It would sure be great if Benvenuti could build his high-rise proposal... he appears to have a good record of following through when he gets behind a project.

  5. zwahlen images: Temporary fixes have a way of becoming very permanent in this town, especially if it includes shuffling a perceived problem into a back corner. I'm still pretty unconvinced that this is a good idea, considering the paucity of public transit in an area where people who don't have cars are going to be dropped off. If RT can get the 7th Street line by the time they open, or at least set up a 24 hour shuttle between the new bus terminal and a light rail station, it might work.

  6. If the Intermodal Transportation Facility doesn’t get built in the Railyard as planned, then this location will be permanent. Getting Greyhound out of the current rundown area is key if the city ever wants to clean up the area around it.
