Wednesday, August 20, 2008

R Street Improvment Project

Today the Design Commission will be reviewing the R Street Improvments planned between 10th & 13th Street. If this improvment project gets the nod from both the City Council and Design Commission, construction would start in Spring 2010.

The R Street Improvement Project will construct roadway and streetscape improvements on R Street between 10th Street and 13th Street. The project consists of replacing the asphalt concrete roadway section with Portland cement concrete, placing raised pedestrian walkways and valley gutters, installing industrial-looking street lighting, and providing 90 degree and parallel parking along R Street.

Summary of Proposed Project
• Railroad main and siding track minor adjustments
• Damaged cobbles will be replaced, if available.
• Distorted track segments will be replaced, if available.
• Historic buildings will be protected during construction
• Historic trees will be replaced where possible
• Gritty industrial raised walkway and streets are proposed
• Four inch high walkway provides ADA accessibility with minimal clutter.
• Pedestrian scale industrial lighting is proposed• Overhead electrical and phone to remain on south side of street
• Loading docks continue to function
• Plan accommodates future improvements (capitol lofts)
• Bulb-outs only on numbered streets.

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty bleak with all that concrete - blinding! THey should use a few of the 90 degree spaces for tree planters.
