Monday, July 12, 2021

Draft EIR For Broadway Bridge Project

Both the City of West Sacramento and Sacramento are proposing to construct a new bridge over the Sacramento River south of the Pioneer Bridge (US 50). The proposed Broadway Bridge includes the de-industrialization of West Sacramento’s Pioneer Bluff including the relocation of the Union Pacific Railroad line, acquisition of decommissioning of Shell Oil Facility and Wastewater Treatment Plant. The estimated bridge construction cost is currently $278 million, but that will most likely rise as these things do until a contractor is chosen and date is set to begin. The total length of the project is one mile from 5th Street in Sacramento to Jefferson Blvd. in West Sacramento. The new bridge will also have a movable bridge span to allow larger boats to pass through the area. After scanning the EIR and other related documents, it appears construction might be completed between 2025 and 2030. The comment period is from July 7 to August 23, 2021 at


  1. Why are they building a bridge right next to the existing Pioneer Bridge, and within a mile of three existing bridges, instead of providing a crossing in a place without an existing crossing? Sutterville to Linden Road seems like a much better option and would not require removal of any infrastructure or housing.

  2. There are only two surface street bridges in the city (Tower & I Street bridges). I think this is needed and will take traffic off the Pioneer bridge (Hwy. 50). Who wants to jump on the freeway to cross the river?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hopefully, they don’t go through a lengthy design process again. Just build the Solar Arch Bridge from the I Street Bridge design contest. Build something iconic and spectacular!
