Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sacramento County Courthouse Construction

The Sacramento County Courthouse construction project appears to be poring two concrete elevator shafts and are currently on the 3rd or 4th floors. Construction began in November 2020 and is estimated to complete in January 2024.

Sacramento County Courthouse elevator shafts construction

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking west

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking eest

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking west

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking south

Sacramento County Courthouse elevator shafts construction

Sacramento County Courthouse elevator shafts construction

Sacramento County Courthouse elevator shafts construction

Sacramento County Courthouse elevator shafts construction

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking west

Sacramento County Courthouse construction looking east

Railyards Sacramento County Courthouse Richards Blvd state office Panorama

1 comment:

  1. So much for the views north from the Federal Courthouse.
