Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hoofing It to the New Rail Platform

Sacramento Valley Amtrak Station - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Over the weekend I went out to the new rail platform to take a closer look at the track relocation project, also known as "The Path to Progress." Walking from the Sacramento Valley Station Depot to the new platforms took about five or six minutes and was about a quarter mile. I found myself thinking while shuffling out to the new platform that this is far less convenient for everyone. Even with the covered pathway; the weather is going make this hike even more of a chore with baggage in hand. Something else to consider, if you did not use the restroom before leaving the main depot., you better be prepared to hold it because this $50 million project does not include any at the new platform.

Sacramento Valley Amtrak Station - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

The new platform was built anticipating an intermodal depot would be built close by shortly after completion. There are currently only vague conceptual plans for the new intermodal depot with no additional funding to build it. So this barren hike from the old depot to the platform will now be many passengers first and last image of Sacramento for years to come. The city recently won a federal grant to rehabilitate the current depot with work expected to start next summer.

Sacramento Valley Amtrak Station - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814
Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814
Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814
Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Walk to the platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

New train platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

New train platform - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814

Looking back at the depot - 401 I St. Sacramento 95814


Unknown said...

I take an RT bus and light rail to Amtrak and then ride to Oakland once a week. Thankfully I already had more than 10 minutes leeway in my departure schedule. However, the trip home has become a half-hour longer because of the added hike from the Amtrak tracks to the light rail station.

Before, I was able to get off the train and quickly board a nearby light rail train. That light rail train made a perfect connection with my bus at the 65th Street station.

That's all gone now.

I leave Oakland at 3:30. I used to get home at 6:30. Now it's 7pm. It's only a half-hour, but it's a half-hour I'd like to have back.

Zwahlen Images said...

That sucks, sorry to hear that John. Hopefully departure times will be adjusted so that this becomes a smoother transition. At least it's only once a week.