2 - 300 Foot Buildings
Developer: John Saca, Mo Mohanna, John Lambeth
Architect: Kwan Henmi
Option 1)
Tower 1: 300 Loft Sytle Condos facing K and 8th Street
Tower 2: 300K Sqaure Feet Office Space facing L and 8th Street
17,730 Square Feet Ground Floor Retail
Option 2)
Tower 1 and 2: 600 Loft Sytle Condos
17,730 Square Feet Ground Floor Retail
This architect is the same as the one doing The Metropolitan and Cathedral Square. I got say, it shows. All the buildings have a very similar look to them. Not to say I don't like the look, but it's somewhat odd that they all look very much the same. The tower itself reminds me of The Metropolitan and the base and podium look like they are taken from Cathedral Square
I would have liked to see some 2 story retail on tee project. If K Street is going to be a retail mecca for Sacramento, we need to push the envelope on the ground floor.
The two options are interesting. I would rather have the 600 condo units, but given that the office market has made a strong comeback over the last year, Saca may choose to go the office route.
The Kress Building on the left just screams to me "Turn me back into a department store!!"
Photos of what this development will replace:
These towers will improve two sad corners in downtown Sacramento with lots of people and activity. I can't wait to see some demo starting to happen along L Street.
Nice job with the extra photos. You're running a fine operation over here.
Thanks for the kudos, Carl!!
I just wish some of these would actaully start breaking ground!
I'd like forit to get to the point over the next couple of years were we have so many projects under construction in downtown that something will be completing every other month
I want it to look like Berlin 2001
[whine]What about the traffic?!?[/whine]
Heh. If so many projects are under construction, maybe more people will think about transit.
i heard someone say on the radio that sections of Cap Mall, L and 3rd and 4th streets will be closing due to the recent ground-breaking of construction.
it was funny because instead of offering an alternative to those routes the guy said "construction will be complete in 2008, so you better get used to it."
"[whine]What about the traffic?!?[/whine]"
Along the same lines...
I was telling a family member about the Crocker Expansion and all the cool things that they are going to be able to do once it is completed, the first words literally out of her mouth were "Where are people going to park"
I nearly lost it.....
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