Thursday, November 10, 2011

Capitol Mall Design Winner

Last night at the Wells Fargo Center on Capitol Mall, a winner was announced for the Capitol Mall Design competition receiving a $20,000 prize. The winners were Kimberly Garza and Andrew ten Brink with a design called Sacramento's Capitol Canopy. 

This ideas great but the urban forest on Capitol will violate The Capitol View protection ordinance established in 1992, which is both a state law and zoning ordinance. Like I mentioned before, growing trees down the middle of Capitol Mall will obstruct the view of the Capitol from the Tower bridge, which is what the state law and ordinance was designed to protect. The winner has the most affordable proposal with very few structures, but it goes against the Capitol View protection ordinance.

To read more about the winner go here.


Erin said...

I'm really not that impressed by it. It seems to be just a generic, if lovely, park. Not that I was really rooting for the plans that included gigantic buildings, but something a bit more creative and visually interesting would be nice. One of my choices did come in third, though.

james said...

I like it but I'm a tree hugger.

wburg said...

Have you read the Capitol View Protection Act? It mentions building heights and setbacks but doesn't say anything about the Capitol Mall street medians, or trees.